Gracehill Employee Assistance Program

Employee Assistance

improve and optimize the performance


About Gracehill EAP

Gracehill Employee Assistance Program is an initiative which organizations can deploy to improve and optimize the performance and productivity of their employees.

This program is designed to help manage the unavoidable  human angle challenges which employees battle on a daily basis.

The program, with the help of assessment tools, support systems and short counselling programs, helps employees overcome both mental and emotional distractions, gain clarity on these human angle  issues and then return focus to contributing optimally and effectively.

Mental health awareness

Our work can add value to HR and Management team

mental illness prevention

Our work can add value to HR and Management team

How Can GRACEHILL EAP help the Employees?

We provide the following support which Management teams, HR teams and line managers may never have the time to provide the employee.

” These services are offered to individuals in private, confidential sessions or to people in groups such as team members or project groups. “

How Can GRACEHILL EAP Help the HR/ Management Team?

Our work can add value to HR and Management teams in the following ways:

1. Monthly newsletters to line managers and supervisors providing insight, tips and tools on how to manage people without breeding toxicity in the team or organization.
2. Monthly to quarterly data and insight reports to HR on factors that may aid employee motivation and engagement (without compromising employee confidentiality), if these issues are recurrent in sessions.
3. Available listening support for new hires within the first 6 months of employment as they navigate the changes and make cultural adjustments. (This period has been proven critical to employees deciding how long they will remain in an organization).
4. Mediation and conflict management between willing parties (where conflict may be between one or more persons in same team or organization and it affects the job).
5. Professional, periodic random or incident drug testing (for organizations who require this test often due to the nature of their operations).
6. Critical incident stress debriefing – This is required when groups of persons in the organization mutually experience a tragic incident such as natural disaster(s), death of a colleague, work place accidents, redundancies, terminations, pay cuts, kidnapping and more.
7. Any other support required within the context of professional mental and emotional health support for the organization and its employees.

Gracehill Employee Assistance Program is a service provided by the partners at Gracehill Behavioral Health Services Limited; managers of Gracehill psychiatry hospital and addiction rehabilitation center, a 30 beds facility in the heart of Lagos, Nigeria.

Our vision is to provide comprehensive mental health and wellness services with dignity for all humanity regardless of their class, gender, age or status in society. Our team of professional psychiatry and psychology consultants have a wealth of experience providing mental health assessment, psychotherapy, occupational health programs and other forms of scientific intervention and support for mental and emotional wellness at both individual and corporate cadres.

Our team of professional experts is led by Dr. Otefe Edebi, the Medical Director of Gracehill Behavioral Health Services Ltd – a senior consultant psychiatrist, managerial, psychologist and psychotherapist. He is ably supported by the Director Employee Assistance Program services – Chigozirim Otefe- Edebi who is an experienced strategic HR professional and business leader with over a decade’s experience in working for both multinational and indigenous corporate organizations. You can click here to learn more about them.

Broad categories of Human angle problems competing for employees’ mental and emotional attention daily:

Overworking african-american employee in office. Tired and having headache businessman working on new project, copy space

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Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast
Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast
Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast

Gracehill Employee Assistance Program